Every month I pre-order comics, trades and other related items from Previews magazine. Even though there is information online for just about everything, I still find the Previews catalog to be the simplest way to scan through the different items and to get some inspiration on what I want to buy.
There’s lots of stuff being offered by Diamond this month: Plenty of great stuff and plenty of crap too… So I will try to sort the wheat from the chaff and hopefully point out some good items that you might order or buy from your LCS or Online Retailer. Our taste may differ– so if you buy something and I hate it… Don’t blame me. I did my best to warn you!
The STATUS in the description of each product indicates the likelihood of whether I’m going to order it ranging from Firm Order as the most likely to a POS (Piece of Shit)– with everything else being somewhere in between. I’m sure you can figure it out!
King Conan Hour of the Dragon #1
32 pages
$3.50Status: Trade-Waiting
Additional Notes: Thank Crom! Finally we get a proper Conan book instead of emo-Conan in the regular title.
The Green Team #1
The Movement #1
$2.99 each
20 pagesStatus: Huh?
Additional Notes: I shouldn’t criticize DC for apparently trying something new… But just what the *fuck* is this? These titles have the smell of “bait and switch” on them.
Batman and Red Hood #20
32 pages
$2.99Status: POS
Additional Notes: It must be exploding helmets month or something.
This cover looks exactly like Age of Ultron #9.
Harlan Ellison’s 7 Against Chaos HC
208 pages
$24.99Status: See “Additional Notes”
Additional Notes: This will probably be the best graphic novel of all time. (If I say anything else, Harlan Ellison will probably sue the shit out of me!)
Adventures of Superman #1
40 pages
$3.99Status: POS
Additional Notes: This title has since been renamed “The Comic Formerly Written by Orson Scott Card”… Or TCFWOSC for you acronym fetishists.
Before Watchmen Deluxe Edition Hardcovers
256 pages
$29.99Status: POS
Additional Notes: “Before Watchmen: How to Squeeze Blood from a Turnip”… Brought to you by a bunch of hacks.
Catwoman Vol 2 – No Easy Way Down TP
400 pages
$24.99Status: Tempted
Additional Notes: Oh, hey look! It’s Catwoman– back when she was written and drawn by people who actually gave a shit!
The Wake #1 (of 10)
32 pages
$2.99Status: Trade-Waiting
Additional Notes: Artist Sean Murphy is pretty much a comics-god at this stage, and Scott Snyder is a great writer when he’s not phoning in Batman scripts. I’m looking forward to this one.
Animal Man Omnibus HC
712 pages
$75.00Status: Tempted
Additional Notes: I loved this comic back in the day… Although I think it might come of as being a bit too knowing and preachy now. Still its 10 times better than most of the cack DC spews forth these days.
DC Comics Cover Girls Platinum Statue
$99.95Status: POS
Additional Notes: Sorry, but this just looks fucking awful.
DC Comics Bombshells Wonder Woman Statue
$124.95Status: POS
Additional Notes: When I said the Platinum Statue above looked fucking awful, I hadn’t seen this statue.
This is beyond fucking awful– taking the concept of awful into a whole new dimension.
Judge Dredd The Cam Kennedy Collection Vol 1
248 pagesStatus: Tempted
Additional Notes: This is the first of the IDW Dredd Artist Collections I’ve been seriously tempted by.
Not only because Cam Kennedy is an awesome artist, but because he did mostly complete stories… Unlike Brian Bolland, who did bits and pieces of longer stories mostly.
he Bounce #1
32 pages
$2.99Status: Trade-Waiting
Additional Notes: On the one hand, this comic is written by Joe Casey (who is kind of awesome.)
On the other hand, the concept about a slacker superhero sounds pretty lame. I’m going to wait to read some reviews on this before committing.
Bedlam Vol 1 TP
176 pages
$9.99Status: Firm Order
Additional Notes: I had mixed feelings about the issue of Bedlam I reviewed recently, but I did note the story would probably work better as a Trade Paperback.
At this price, it might be worth testing that theory.
Five Weapons #4 (of 5)
32 pages
$3.50Status: Firm Order
Additional Notes: I’m really enjoying this series but I had to comment on this cover.
Everyone should just stop it with the holding guns sideways thing… Please!
Victorian Secret – Girls of Steampunk
32 pages
$3.95Status: POS
Additional Notes: Do people actually buy this shit? And if so…WHYYYYYY???
Sorry, I just don’t get it.
Antares Vol 1
64 pages
$15.95Status: Recommended
Additional Notes: A second series by Writer/Artist Leo.
Antares Episode 1 follows his Betelgeuse volumes.
Battlestar Galactica #1
32 pages
$3.99Status: Trade-Waiting
Additional Notes: On the plus side, this comic is written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning.
On the minus side, it has a no-name artist– and licensed comics usually suck… So it’s a game of wait and see with this one.
Vampirella Archives Vol 7 HC
392 pages
$49.99Status: Firm Order
Additional Notes: These archives are beautiful productions. At this stage, Vampirella was almost entirely drawn by Spanish artists– and I’m an unashamed fan of their style.
Air Gear Omnibus Vol 1
600 pages
$19.99Status: Firm Order
Additional Notes: This is a prototypical shonen manga by Oh Great, the creator of Tenjo Tenge.
No naked boobies in this series though.
Iron Man #9
32 pages
$3.99Status: POS
Additional Notes: “The Secret Origin of Tony Stark” apparently.
Listen up Marvel, Iron Man already has an origin. Don Heck, Jack Kirby and Stan Lee created it 50 years ago.
Kick-Ass 3 #1
32 pages
$2.99Status: POS
Additional Notes: Oh come on… What the fuck do you think I’m going to say about this?
Asterix Omnibus Vol 1
152 pages
$19.95Status: Recommended
Additional Notes: New printings of several of the Asterix collections by Goscinney and Uderzo. These are perfect if you’ve got young kids who like comics but are too young for Marvel/DC titles.
Capote In Kansas
144 pages
$19.99Status: Tempted
Additional Notes: Artist Chris Samnee could scribble on the back of a napkin and I’d be tempted to buy it.
Samnee and writer Ande Parks have this new crime/suspense graphic novel out from Oni– and it looks pretty amazing.
Walrus GN
136 pages
$19.95Status: Tempted
Additional Notes: An art book by my favourite American artist of the moment, Brandon Graham? Of course I’m interested!
Utsubora – The Story of a Novelist Omnibus Vol 1
460 pages
$18.95Status: Firm Order
Additional Notes: Vertical just keeps coming out with outstanding manga reprints.
I can’t wait to read this one.
Sunny Vol 1 HC
224 pages
$22.99Status: Firm Order
Additional Notes: It’s interesting to see Manga starting to come out in Hardcover format. Sunny is by Taiyo Matsumoto, an artist with more of a European influence to his art.
Dan Dare Spacefleet Operations Manual
128 pages
$23.95Status: Tempted
Additional Notes: Dan Dare was the number one character in British comics before 2000AD arrived on the scene.
His adventures were written and drawn by superb creator Frank Hampson. This book is sort of like a technical guide to the spaceships from the Dan Dare adventures.
Topps 2013 Big League Minis Collectible Vinyl Figures
$3.99Status: POS
Additional Notes: Apologies to our American readers, but I just don’t get the appeal of baseball at all. It’s even more boring than cricket– and that’s saying something! These vinyl figures look like dog turds with clothes on.
The Walking Dead – “Keep Calm and Call Michonne” Black T-Shirt
$17.99 – $19.99Status: POS
Additional Notes: Keep calm and call my arse.
Mechawhales PVC Figure
$45.00Status: Tempted
Additional Notes: These are just bizarre and absurd enough not to be shit. What isn’t awesome about a sentient whale in a murderous mecha suit?
Breaking Bad 8-inch Plushes
$19.95Status: POS
Additional Notes: Maybe if you want your kid to grow up to be a meth cook– you can buy them these plushes.
Otherwise, why the fuck would you purchase these?
Star Trek (2009) Starfleet Academy Class Ring Replica
$14.99Status: POS
Additional Notes: You’ve got to worry about anyone who would actually wear this ring in public.
Wolverine vs Ryu 1/3-scale Statue Set
$999.95Status: WTF – look at the price!
Additional Notes: These are the biggest figures I’ve ever heard of but you could buy a new kidney in Bulgaria for that price.
Or so I’ve heard.
Marvel Iron Man 3 – Iron Man Mark 42 ARTFX Statue
$129.99Status: Tempted
Additional Notes: This is a very, very good-looking statue… And the price is pretty reasonable too.
Bravo, Kotobukiya!
Doctor Who Fez And Bowtie Kit
$16.99Status: Tempted
Additional Notes: If only it were still fashionable to wear a Fez… But I’d rather not look like Tommy Cooper.
Masters of the Universe
He-Man Sword of Power Plush
$17.99Status: POS
Additional Notes: A plush sword… Really?
Patlabor OVA Blu ray
$39.98Status: Firm Order
Additional Notes: Patlabor is an absolute classic and it’s great to see it out on blu ray.
$40 is too much though… You’ll find it cheaper on Amazon and similar online retailers.
Jackie Chan Double Feature –Police Story/ Police Story 2 Blu ray
Status: Tempted
Additional Notes: 2 films from when Jackie Chan did amazing stunts… And wasn’t just the token comedy Chinese man.
The Merciless Book of Metal Lists
£11.99Status: Firm Order
Additional Notes: Lists are awesome.
And yes, the UK gets our own little sliver of Previews all to our own… But I’m sure people in Europe and the USA will be able to order all items from the usual places.
Lots of interesting Manga this month. DC is patchy as usual, and some eye-wateringly expensive statues. Let us know if there’s anything coming up that you think is worth looking at.