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Locusmortis’ PREVIEWS Hits and Misses™ Rating Comic Shop Offerings for June 2013 and July 2013


LM PREVIEWS COLUMN BANNERLM Previews June 2013 July 2013 Banner

Every month I pre-order comics, trades and other related items from Previews magazine. Even though there is information online for just about everything, I still find the Previews catalog to be the simplest way to scan through the different items and to get some inspiration on what I want to buy.

There’s lots of stuff being offered by Diamond this month: Plenty of great stuff and plenty of crap too… So I will try to sort the wheat from the chaff and hopefully point out some good items that you might order or buy from your LCS or Online Retailer. Our taste may differ– so if you buy something and I hate it… Don’t blame me. I did my best to warn you!

The STATUS in the description of each product indicates the likelihood of whether I’m going to order it ranging from Firm Order as the most likely to a POS (Piece of Shit)– with everything else being somewhere in between. I’m sure you can figure it out!


LM PREVIEWS COMIC OF THE MONTH BANNERThe Black Beetle Vol 1 HCThe Black Beetle Vol 1 HC 
152 pages

Status: Firm Order

Additional Notes: So not only is Francesco Francavilla a great artist– but he’s a decent writer too? Whowouldhavethunkit?

This comic is better than 95% of the shit that Marvel and DC put out. Buy it.

Nexus Omnibus Vol 3Nexus Omnibus Vol 3
424 pages

Status: Firm Order

Additional Notes: You simply aren’t going to find 424 better pages of comic book goodness for $25 this month!

Creepy Presents Steve Ditko HCCreepy Presents Steve Ditko HC
128 pages

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: This stuff has been reprinted in the main series of Creepy Archives… But with special artists like Steve Ditko, it’s sometimes nice to have all the stuff in one book… Rather than having to root through 15 books to find the story you want.
LM PREVIEWS BALLOON DC COMICSSSuperman Unchained #1uperman Unchained #1
32 pages

Status: POS

Additional Notes: 32 pages for $4.99? Uh right… Anyway, the last time Jim Lee drew a Superman regular title it was a complete abortion.

Anyone want to take bets on how many issues Lee can draw before he needs a fill-in artist?

Larfleeze #1Larfleeze #1
32 pages

Status: POS

Additional Notes: Because that Threshold book worked out so well, huh?

Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
40 pages

Status: POS

Additional Notes:  There’s a coffin on the cover– so a superhero has obviously died… And here I am actually writing this like I give a fuck.

Action Comics #21Action Comics #21
40 pages

Status: POS

Additional Notes: Written by Andy Diggle. LOL.

Suicide Squad #21Suicide Squad #21
32 pages

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: Written by Ales Kot? Ok, this might be a DC comic that isn’t shit. I’ll be keeping an eye on this one.

(Ed. Note – See what Locusmortis thought of Suicide Squad in IMJ’s Capsule Reviews.)

Camelot 3000 TPCamelot 3000 TP
320 pages

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes:  This has been out of print for ages, so it’s about time DC did a new printing. Featuring art by Brian Bolland, from when he still bothered his arse to do interiors and didn’t just hack out a couple of covers every month.

1-1 Scale Yellow Lantern Power Battery and Ring Prop Replica1:1 Scale Yellow Lantern Power Battery and Ring Prop Replica

Status: POS

Additional Notes: $200 for a massive ugly lump of yellow plastic?

That sounds so enticing… I’ll have two please!

Superman The Man of Steel Statue by Jim LeeSuperman The Man of Steel Statue
by Jim Lee

Status: POS

Additional Notes: POW! Take that, Siegel! POW! Take that, Shuster!LM PREVIEWS BALLOON IDWMark Schultz's Xenozoic Tales Artist's Edition HCMark Schultz’s Xenozoic Tales
Artist’s Edition HC
144 pages

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: One of the great creator-owned titles, Mark Schultz’s art is absolutely gorgeous!

Wild Blue Yonder #1Wild Blue Yonder #1 (of 5) 
144 pages

Status: Trade-waiting

Additional Notes: The concept of this has me intrigued: A post-apocalyptic aerial adventure series. I’ll trade-wait this though, because sometimes IDW’s interior art isn’t as good as it should be.

Michael Wm. Kaluta - The Big BookMichael Wm. Kaluta – The Big Book
304 pages

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: Kaluta is one of the best artists in comics business. This is a retrospective of his art from the 60s to the present day.
32 pages

Status: Trade-waiting

Additional Notes: Writer Greg Rucka. Artist Michael Lark. If those two creators aren’t enough to get you to buy this comic– then what the hell is wrong with you?

Prophet Vol 2 Brothers TPProphet Vol 2 Brothers TP
172 pages

Status: Firm Order

Additional Notes: One of the best ongoing monthlies being published anywhere today.

I cannot recommend Prophet highly enough.LM PREVIEWS BALLOON ABSTRACT STUDIOS

Strangers in Paradise Omnibus SCStrangers in Paradise Omnibus SC
2128 pages

Status: Recommended

Additional Notes: If you haven’t already read Strangers in Paradise, then this is the perfect opportunity to do so. $100 may seem like a lot– but for what you get, it’s a bargain.

If you still feel guilty about spending so much, then you could slip some hints to your significant other about how this would be a great birthday present or early Xmas gift.

Ballistic #1Ballistic #1
32 pages

Status: Trade-waiting

Additional Notes: Mad-cap sci-fi adventure about a wannabe gangster and his drug-addicted foul-mouthed living gun? Sounds good to me! I want to read something batshit insane and funny that isn’t shit– and this might be it.
The Malevolent Mr. Burns #1The Malevolent Mr. Burns #1
32 pages

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: While DC feck around with those Villain’s Month cobblers, Bongo puts out a villain comic that might not be shit. (Well, Gail Simone is writing some of this book– so I might be wrong about the “not shit” part.)LM PREVIEWS BALLOON BOOM STUDIOS

Herobear and the Kid Special #1Herobear and the Kid Special #1
32 pages

Status: Trade-waiting

Additional Notes: I vaguely remember seeing this series before but never really thought anything of it… But after seeing some sample pages this looks like some superb all-ages cartooning.

(Ed. Note – See what Locusmortis thought after reading this comic in IMJ’s Capsule Reviews.)

LM PREVIEWS BALLOON DYNAMIC FORCES Hit-Girl School Girl StatueHit-Girl School Girl Statue

Status: POS

Additional Notes: I’d rather burn $300 dollars than give it to Mark Millar.
Magic Wind Vol 1 Fort Ghost GNMagic Wind Vol 1 Fort Ghost GN
100 pages

Status: Firm Order

Additional Notes: I thought it unlikely that I’d ever see a translation of this series of Western graphic novels originally published in Italy.

This first book has art by the legendary Spanish artist Jose Ortiz.LM PREVIEWS BALLOON MARVEL COMICS
Savage Wolverine #6Savage Wolverine #6
32 pages

Status: POS

Additional Notes: For anyone that thought Humberto Ramos was the worst Wolverine artist ever, welcome to Joe Madureira— who has never found a bit of anatomy he couldn’t draw badly.

Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 HCSuperior Spider-Man Vol 1 HC
248 pages

Status: POS

Additional Notes: “This story alone is likely to make it one of the greats” – CBR

“Stegman is the perfect Spider-man artist for this day and age” – Comicvine

“Slott shows how to craft a dastardly plot twist” – CBR

“Mainstream comic-book sites are a pack of fucking shills” –Locusmortis/IMJLM PREVIEWS BALLOON PICTUREBOX

Kramers Ergot Volume 8Kramers Ergot Vol 8
232 pages

Status: POS

Additional Notes: I would have bought Kramers Ergot Vol 7, except for its stupidly ridiculous dimensions. This volume at least has a normal size– and the art should be excellent.
Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files Volume 20Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files Vol 20
320 pages

Status: POS

Additional Notes: I love the Case Files series of books but they are going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment.

Luckily, this is probably the last volume with Mark Millar stuff and we’ll be back to quality John Wagner stuff in the next volume.

The War MachineThe War Machine GN
96 pages

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes:  Dunno why they’ve left the Rogue Trooper name off this book– because that’s who the main character is.

This is a quality Dave Gibbons/Will Simpson story but beware– it has come out in a billion editions already.
Atomic Robo and the Savage Sword of Dr. Dinosaur #1Atomic Robo and the Savage Sword
of Dr. Dinosaur #1

32 pages

Status: Trade-waiting

Additional Notes: How could you not be tempted by a book with a name like that? I’m expecting the usual high quality from creators Clevinger and Wegener.
Shining Hearts Collection of Visual MaterialsShining Hearts Collection
of Visual Materials

192 pages

Status: Recommended

Additional Notes: This is a Tony Taka art book. That makes it a no-brainer if you like good cheesecake anime art.
LM Previews Vertical Inc Balloon RightMobile Suit Gundam The Origin Volume 2 HCMobile Suit Gundam The Origin
Vol 2 HC

458 pages

Status: Firm Order

Additional Notes: These hardcovers from Vertical are amazing… This is the definitive Gundam manga!LM PREVIEWS BOOKS & MAGAZINES BANNER FINAL

Trajectory HCTrajectory HC
64 pages

Status: Firm Order

Additional Notes: Stephan Martiniere is probably the best fantasy/sci-fi book-jacket artist working at the moment– which makes this art book a must buy.

Rogue TouchRogue Touch
288 pages

Status: POS

Additional Notes: Looks like Marvel is trying to get in on the Twilight style tween-fiction market. Rogue gets reimagined as a moody goth… Gimme a fuckin’ break!

Brick By BrickBrick by Brick
304 pages

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: So how did a small Danish plastics company become one of the toy industry’s biggest companies? This seems like a pretty fascinating story.

Of course the current Lego seems a lot different from the one I used to play with as a kid– back then it seemed to encourage imagination, whereas now it seems heavily focused on pushing certain Hollywood brands. Wow! That argument sounds familiar…LM PREVIEWS APPAREL BANNER FINAL

Animal Man Symbol T-shirtAnimal Man Symbol T-Shirt

Status: POS

Additonal Notes: Right, so a symbol that looks like a cross between a Dunce’s hat and a KKK hood is meant to symbolize Animal Man?

Did anyone bother to look at this design before they started printing them?

Strangers In Paradise Anniversary Tour T-ShirtStrangers In Paradise
Anniversary Tour T-Shirt


Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: T-Shirts for comics you can give to “normal” people without fear of social embarrassment are rare– so this shirt is perfect for fans and for non-comics folk too.

Superman The Man of Steel Sub-Under Snapback CapSuperman The Man of Steel
Sub-Under Snapback Cap


Status: POS

Additional Notes: Perfect for the discerning trailer park resident. LM PREVIEWS DIAMOND SELECT TOYS BANNER FINAL

Domo Metal License Plate

Domo Metal License Plate

Status: POS

Additional Notes: If you want your car to look as if it’s driven by a mentally deficient simpleton– then go ahead and buy this, you moron!LM PREVIEWS TOYS STATUES MODELS BANNER FINAL

Batman Power Attack Deluxe Action FiguresBatman Power Attack
Deluxe Action Figures

$19.99 each

Status: POS

Additional Notes: If Batman was given a makeover by The Village People— this is what you’d get.

Skeptical Rice Buddy 11” PlushSkeptical Rice Buddy 11” Plush

Status: POS

Additional Notes: At least these plushes are so minimalist, the kids in the factory in Pakistan won’t have to lose too many fingers while sewing them.

Tokidoki Donutino & Donutina PlushesTokidoki Donutino & Donutina Plushes

Status: POS

Additional Notes: This brand uses Japanese imagery and terminology– but is as authentically Japanese as Scooby-Doo’s Xmas dump.

Boo The World's Cutest Dog PlushBoo The World’s Cutest Dog Plush

Status: POS

Additional Notes: That’s quite a claim to make… Too bad it doesn’t fucking look cute to me.

Star Wars Kenner IG-88 Jumbo Action FigureStar Wars Kenner IG-88
Jumbo Action Figure


Status: POS

Additional Notes: It may cost 80 bucks, but it does come with AUTHENTIC PEG HOLES… You bet yer ass it does!

Dawn Variant Edition StatueDawn Variant Edition Statue

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: This looks like a really sweet statue, but Oh! The price! LM PREVIEWS IMPORT TOYS BANNER FINAL

Star Wars Business Card Holders Han Solo in Carbonite & R2D2Star Wars Business Card Holders – Han Solo in Carbonite & R2D2
$29.99 each

Status: POS

Additional Notes:  These are sleek and professional… Apparently. I’m sure your credibility will soar when you greet a prospective employer or client with this.

Doctor Who Chrome Tardis Ceramic TeapotDoctor Who Chrome Tardis
Ceramic Teapot


Status: POS

Additional Notes: Insideman will probably like this.

Me, I’d prefer to get a crate of rotten memories than be given this as a present.

Maschinen Krieger SFAS Fireball 05 FigureMaschinen Krieger SFAS
Fireball 05 Figure


Status: POS

Additional Notes: What in the flying fuck is this ugly piece of shit anyway?

LM PREVIEWS CERTIFIED COOL BANNERArmor Girls Project Gundam Wing MS Girl Wing Gundam Zero EW Version FigureArmor Girls Project Gundam Wing MS Girl Wing Gundam
Zero EW Version Figure

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: This figure is ridiculous… Ridiculously awesome that is! It’s also the longest product name I’ve ever had to type– my fingers are nearly falling off at this stage!LM PREVIEWS COLLECTIBLES & NOVELTIES BANNER FINAL

Iron Man 3 Iron Man Face UkeleleIron Man 3 Iron Man Face Ukelele

Status: POS

Additional Notes: I’d like to know what kind of drugs these product designers are on– cause I fucking want some!LM PREVIEWS DIGITAL MEDIA BANNER FINAL

Ultramarines Warhammer BlurayUltramarines Warhammer Blu ray

Status: Tempted

Additional Notes: I know I’ve called Games Workshop scumsucking bastards in the recent past, but I still can’t help liking some of their books and comics (although not their shitty overpriced plastic models.) This is an interesting sci-fi universe they’ve concocted .

Tiger and Bunny Set 2Tiger and Bunny Set 2 Blu ray

Status: You’ll find it cheaper online

Additional Notes: The second half of the series– one of the better adventure/mecha adventures of the last few years.


Captain America Collector's Edition Blu ray (1990)Captain America (1990)
Collector’s Edition Blu ray


Status: Should only be used as landfill

Additional Notes: Some films are so bad, they’re good.

This Captain America movie is so bad, it’s fucking awful… Made with special defects rather than special effects.LM PREVIEWS PREVIEWS UK BANNER FINAL

True Blood Drinks and Bites HCTrue Blood Drinks and Bites HC

Status: POS

Additional Notes: A recipe book based on True Blood, eh?

Am I the only person who fucking hates this poor man’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

A pretty good month for Comics, I think– but with no one publisher dominating the picks, you have to delve a bit deeper into the independent ranks to find the good stuff.

Not a particularly good month for Statues/Toys/Collectibles… I guess Summer isn’t the best time to be selling overpriced pieces of plastic. Let us know what you think of this month’s selection and if you’ve found any good (or weird) shit in your local comics shop.

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